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Design and development of an IoT-based Energy Meter with Bill Management.
The IoT-Based Energy Meter with Bill Management system is designed to track electricity usage and generate automated bills. This system enables users to monitor their electricity consumption in real-time through a mobile app, helping them manage their energy usage efficiently. It provides a modern and user-friendly solution for households and industries to reduce energy waste and ensure accurate billing.
The system uses an Arduino Uno microcontroller connected to an energy meter module (ZMPT101B) to measure electricity consumption. The data is displayed locally on a 16x2 LCD screen and uploaded to the cloud via the ESP8266 Wi-Fi module. Using the Blynk IoT platform, users can monitor real-time energy usage and view automated bill calculations through a mobile app. This system eliminates manual meter reading errors and provides insights into consumption patterns.
The ZMPT101B energy meter module captures electricity usage and sends the data to the Arduino Uno for processing. The processed data is displayed on the 16x2 LCD for local monitoring. The ESP8266 Wi-Fi module uploads this data to the Blynk IoT platform, where users can view real-time consumption details and billing information via a mobile app. This seamless integration ensures transparency and accuracy in energy usage tracking and bill generation.